Recently Family Plumbing and Heating replaced a boiler for a home in South Regina. We were originally called on site for a no heat but after diagnosis, the conclusion was that replacement parts were going to be hard to source (if they were still even made) and the client’s money would be better spent on a new system. (The existing system was almost old enough to collect a pension!)

boiler plumbing heating Regina plumber residential service construction emergency service sask yqr
Working tirelessly, we were able to bring this 1960’s system up to 2018 standards over the course of three days. Luckily we have been experiencing a fairly warm winter and Family Plumbing and Heating also provides portable heaters for our clients if they need to be without heat overnight. Now in the previous example when there is no other choice, boiler replacements need to go in ASAP. But if possible, the best time to replace a boiler is in warm weather while it’s still operational.

boiler plumbing heating Regina plumber residential service construction emergency service sask yqr
But why would I replace it when it still works? You’re going to have to hear me out on this one. Boiler replacements are not as straightforward as other heating systems. 9 times out of 10 furnace replacements are easily done in a day while updating boilers systems can sometimes feel like you are starting from scratch. With all the work involved, the last thing you want as a technician is to feel rushed during an extensive install. And for the financial investment a homeowner is going to make would they want the technician to rush either? Doubtful.
This is why, if possible, homeowners should try and look ahead and plan for a boiler replacement before total failure and plan for a summer installation when turning the heat off is not a concern. Allow the technicians as much time as needed to ensure your installation receives the quality workmanship it deserves.
For any homeowners interested in the expected remaining life expectancy of their current heating system, Family Plumbing and Heating offers full system maintenances and free estimates on replacement systems.
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