Across all the content Family Plumbing and Heating releases we continually mention that we are both the most accessible and transparent plumbing and HVAC contractor in and around Regina. These two expectations are what Tyler and I are working to use, among others, as pillars to help lift this company up further and further. But other than buzzwords to use for advertising, what do we mean by accessibility and transparency?
On the surface, accessibility is the easiest to describe. Phone, email, text, social media, etc. We put ourselves out there as much as we can to directly interact with our customers. We like to make sure anytime a homeowner has a question or concern that we are available to help guide them in the best direction for repairs. Our social media is also filled with volumes of our previous work and a look into our lives. Family Plumbing and Heating isn’t a hat we put on in the morning and take off at supper. (Reminder: order Family Plumbing and Heating hats!) The goals and values we set for our company are very much the same we carry in our personal lives. Being there for friends and families is important and it’s always better to make a relationship than making a dollar.

Always feel free to hit us up on social media
Transparency has always been important to us at Family Plumbing and Heating. Tyler and I feel so strongly in our abilities and the service we can provide that we are more than willing to face any scrutiny that might come our way. When a customer allows us into their home they know exactly what to expect. There is never a mystery about what technician is showing up. Too many times I pulled my hair out when I saw techs being dispatched to calls they had no business attending. It’s understandable that not every tech might know the solution as soon as they see the problem. But an issue with larger companies is they send out technicians that can’t even recognize the problem in the first place. We also do not hide ourselves behind a logo to validate our worth. We use our logo as a backdrop and stand proudly in front, ready to repair every leaking pipe and broken furnace that comes our way. At every turn we try and lay our cards on the table, you might as well call us the Ace of Spades and King of Hearts.
Family Plumbing and Heating is always working hard to deliver the best service and build the strongest customer relationships. We are without a doubt the most convenient plumbing and HVAC company to reach in Regina. And if you are not already following us (why wouldn’t you be?) finish reading and immediately head over to our Facebook and Instagram and follow along.
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