Lennox Furnaces
Making your family comfortable, especially if you live in cold climate areas, is now easier with furnace and heating technologies. One of the best furnace brands that you can choose is Lennox furnaces. Here are some of the reasons to choose Lennox furnaces.
High Quality Lennox Furnaces
Company Longevity
Lennox started manufacturing furnaces in 1895 under the leadership of American businessman David Lennox. Since then, Lennox, now known as Lennox International, has been producing furnaces with their consumer’s comfort in mind.
Lennox’s name has become synonymous with high-efficiency furnaces and has had a loyal fanbase following since it started in 1895.
Exclusive Features of Lennox Furnaces
Every furnace manufacturer claims of having features that only their equipment will have. These features set their equipment above the rest of their competition. Lennox furnaces have the following features that make them the best choice for heating family homes.
- Power Saver. The power-saving technology feature of Lennox furnaces allows them to adjust airspeed to meet the demands of the consumers. Likewise, this power saving feature allows Lennox furnaces to effectively heat your home while consuming less energy.
- SilentComfort Technology. Top-tier Lennox models have sound-absorbing insulations that reduce operational noises. This noise-reduction technology will allow household members to stay warm during the winter months without hearing unnecessary noises coming from the furnace.
- iComfort S30 Thermostat Compatibility. Lennox furnaces are equipped with the iComfort S30 thermostat, a smart device that monitors the performance and settings of your HVAC systems. This smart thermostat will send updates to the nearest authorized Lennox repair shop near you and inform you whenever your system needs repairs or regular maintenance service.
Different Models to Choose From
Lennox International manufactures furnaces for all types of homes. Their furnaces come in different tiered models and price ranges, ensuring that a Lennox furnace is suited for any home.
- Entry-Level Models. For homes with a limited budget, the entry-level Lennox Merit series will be an ideal investment. Merit series of furnaces feature 93% AFUE ratings and higher. The more expensive of the Merit series will have secondary heat exchangers designed to reduce heat loss. Likewise, all of the models under the Merit series are dual-fuel capable, which means you can pair them with an electric heat pump to save energy. Entry-level Lennox Merit Series models range from $3500.00 to $4835.00, which includes the installation.
A popular entry-level model is the Lennox Merit ML193E Furnace. This model has an AFUE of 93% and is a single-stage furnace. This furnace is a great entry-level unit because of its affordability and high energy efficiency.
- Mid-Level Models. Starting from $4835.00 to $6170.00, the mid-level of Lennox furnaces is collectively known as the Elite series. One feature that sets the Elite series apart from the Merit series is its compatibility with smart thermostats, which may allow you to customize your comfort level and run your furnaces according to your schedule. Lennox Elite series also come with features that optimize heating performance while reducing noise levels during operation.
- Top of the Line Models. The Lennox Signature Collection includes some of the best units that money can buy on the market today. Lennox Signature furnaces have the highest AFUE ratings of 99%. While the prices of the Signature Series range from $6170 to $7500, the efficient energy consumption of these models will make up for the extra initial costs.
The SLP99V Lennox Signature Series is the latest model from Lennox and is considered the most efficient furnace in terms of energy usage. Likewise, this model is also considered one of the quietest furnaces in the market today.